Ways to Support

Pressure from constituents is a critical piece to holding elected officials accountable for the work they are doing (or not doing) as a part of their role.

This can look like showing up to a public meeting, writing letters to the editor, providing public comment or other actions.

You can find resources on how to support the Garfield County Libraries through public action below. For specific dates of upcoming events, please check out the Upcoming Events page.

  • The role of libraries is to provide free access to books and information, and not to restrict access to certain books. The vast majority of Americans are in agreement on this issue.

    Parents should have the freedom to decide what their kids can or cannot read. Neither library staff nor elected officials should be deciding what kids can or cannot read.

    The Garfield County BOCC has not shared their intent. Why did they vote to take control of the process of selecting new library trustees? What are they trying to accomplish?

    The local movement to restrict access to books is connected to a national movement led by far-right groups and is part of their larger agenda to roll back LGBTQ+ rights and prevent teachings around racism.

    These groups, such as Moms for Liberty, are framing the issue as one of protecting our children from sexually explicit content, but the books they are targeting are disproportionately those that address LGBTQ+ themes or address the issue of racism.

    These same groups that are riling people up about certain books are also advocating for anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and opposing any teaching about racism in our schools.

  • Keep it brief and to the point, using repetition for emphasis as needed. People are more likely to read a LTE if it's short.

    Avoid name-calling, stereotypes, and personal attacks.

    Check that any facts and statistics are accurate.

    Have someone from the team review your letter by emailing us here (GarCoLibraryLove@gmail.com)

  • Letters are most effective when they are focused and succinct. The shorter the better.

    Post Independent
    350 word limit
    Submit a letter to the Post Independent

    The Sopris Sun
    500 word limit
    Submissions are due Monday at noon before each Thursday edition.
    Email your letter to: news@soprissun.com

    Grand Junction Sentinel
    400 word limit
    Submit a letter to the Grand Junction Sentinel

    Aspen Times
    300 word limit
    Submit a letter to the Aspen Times

    Aspen Daily News
    250 word limit
    Submit a letter to Aspen Daily News

  • The Garfield County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) typically meet the first three Mondays of the each month. As necessary, in the case of a holiday, the following Tuesday or the fourth Monday of the month also serve as alternate meeting dates.

    BOCC meetings typically commence at 8 am. Most meetings are held in Room 100 in the Garfield County Administration building, 108 8th Street, Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

    Please check current BOCC agenda for exact start time and details of a meeting. Board meetings begin with allocated time for anyone not on the agenda to make a short statement.

    Public Comment is also offered at the beginning of the afternoon session beginning at 1 p.m.

    To attend the meeting via Zoom, you must register ahead of time. Go to Garfield County Website / Meetings and click on "view meeting or present." On the day of the meeting, once you’ve logged into the meeting, click on “Raise your hand.” When it’s your turn to speak, your name will be called and you will be unmuted.